Chapter Audio Equipment 101
Start: Saturday, February 03, 2024•10:00 AM
End: Saturday, February 03, 2024•12:00 PM
A training session on how to use the chapter's audio gear for hybrid meetings and live events, including equipment setup and operation, best practices for getting clear sound, and introductions to basic sound engineering concepts. Zoom will be available, but in-person attendance is preferred for hands-on experience!
All accessibility standards on the Milwaukee DSA In-Person / Hybrid Meeting Checklist (based on the Accessibility Standards for Meetings and Online Platforms and Applications) will be met for this event to the best of our ability. Attendees will be expected to introduce themselves. Audio participation is required; in-person attendance is encouraged. Please note that this meeting will be held on the second floor of Zao MKE Church, which is not wheelchair accessible.
Read our infectious disease policy here.