RSVP to join us: Chevron out of occupied Palestine!

Start: Saturday, February 03, 202412:00 PM

Chevron out of Palestine - Protest in Richmond, CA Feb. 3rd 2024

From Richmond to Gaza — we won’t stand by as Chevron profits at the expense of Palestinian lives. Join us for a rally and protest at Gate 14 (Castro Way, at the 580 overpass) in Richmond to demand that:

  1. Chevron must shut down the Tamar and Leviathan gas fields.
  2. Chevron must divest from Israel and stop its complicity in apartheid.
  3. Boycott Chevron until there is a permanent ceasefire and an end to the occupation of Palestine

Chevron (and its subsidiaries) make billions running major gas operations off the coast of occupied Palestine. These massive gas fields provide the majority of the light and energy for Israel’s apartheid regime and the ongoing genocide in Gaza.

In the words of Chevron CEO Mike Wirth: “[The genocide] doesn’t change our view on the development opportunities really at all… This is a long-term play. It’s a very, very large gas resource.”

Israel depends on stealing oil and gas resources from Palestine as it seeks to be an energy superpower in the region.

From Richmond to Palestine, communities have a right to steward their land and determine their future. But over the past three months, Israeli Occupation Forces have bombed hospitals, homes, and nurseries in Gaza, killing over 25,000 Palestinians and burying countless more under the rubble. The survivors are left to die slowly, as Israel cuts off access to food, clean water, and gas to 2.2 million people.

The remaining medical equipment that survives Israeli bombardment cannot be turned on. Because of the Israeli blockade on diesel and gasoline, families must flee to refugee camps and carry their injured loved ones to hospitals on foot. Mere miles away, Israel provides its own residents with an uninterrupted flow of warmth, light, medical care, and cooking fuel.

As Richmond and East Bay residents, as environmental justice organizers, as people of color and people of conscience, we say: enough is enough. Permanent ceasefire now. No more U.S funds for genocide. Not one penny more for corporations supporting this occupation.

Sponsoring groups include: Richmond Progressive Alliance | Arab Resource & Organizing Center | Jewish Voice for Peace Bay Area | Asian Pacific Environmental Network | Communities for a Better Environment | International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network | Youth vs. Apocalypse | Oil and Gas Action Network | Idle No More SF Bay | East Bay Families 4 Ceasefire | 1000 Grandmothers for Future Generations | Diablo Rising Tide | Urban Tilth | Reimagine Richmond | Movement Generation Justice & Ecology Project | Amazon Watch | Bay Resistance | GABRIELA Oakland | Common Humanity Collective | American Friends Service Committee | Labor Rise Climate Jobs Action Group | RYSE Center | Rich City Rays | Bay Area Mental Health Workers for Palestine | 1021 Members for Palestine | Rising Tide North America | San Francisco Committee for Human Rights in the Philippines | Sunrise Movement Bay Area | New Energy Economy | Party for Socialism and Liberation - Bay Area | Wall of Women | SEIU Local 1021 |East Bay Democratic Socialists of America | CODEPINK S.F. Bay Area | Bay Area Muslim Writers Collective | If Not Now Bay Area | Global Exchange | Anti Police-Terror Project | Extinction Rebellion SF Bay Area | Solidaire Action | United4Change

If your organization would like to endorse this action - please fill out this form and help spread the word!

This event is outdoors, on flat ground with sidewalks & curb ramps. We are not planning to march. We are asking people to wear a high-quality mask, and if you are feeling sick or have had a recent COVID-exposure, please help keep our communities safe and stay home. There is substantial street parking, and please let us know if you need a ride to/from Richmond BART - we will be running shuttles starting at 11:30am.