Chicago Emergency Rally: #DefendDACA and Demand #ProtectionForAll

Start: Tuesday, September 05, 2017 5:30 PM

End: Tuesday, September 05, 2017 6:30 PM

This rally organized by Women's March Illinois, is being merged with the press conference below, so as not to put any additional organizing burden on the impacted communities:

We are showing up in support of the press conference action being organized by leaders and activists in the immigrant and undocumented community, to stand in solidarity as allies!  

We will be ready to hit the streets with our allies, on September 5th, the day when we expect Trump's decision to discontinue DACA to be made! We need all of you to join us!

If you support immigrants' rights, if you believe in sanctuary for all, and that undocumented or not - all immigrants deserve to be happy and live without fear of deportations - you should join us!

Every person deserves to live with respect and dignity, and there is no doubt that immigrants (especially undocumented immigrants) are  currently targets of injustice under the Trump administration. Over a million immigrant youth and their families are protected from deportation by the DACA (Deffered Action for Childhood Arrivals) and TPS (Temporary Protected Status) programs. White supremacists in Washington are determined to kill these programs and expose those currently protected to the threats of racist policing, violent arrests, being locked up in detention camps, and of being deportated.

We cannot stand by idly while our undocumented sisters, brothers, and siblings are threatened. This administration needs to know that when they attack and terrorize the most vulnerable and marginalized among us, they are attacking ALL OF US and we will STAND UP AND FIGHT BACK! Join us to send a loud and clear message to this administration: NO HUMAN BEING IS ILLEGAL! OUR IMMIGRANT SIBLINGS ARE HERE TO STAY!

More details will be added below about supporting organizations. If you and your organization would like to support this action, please contact us via Direct Message.


- Protection For All Movement
- Rise and Organize
- Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and  Refugee Rights
- Black Lives Matter: Women of Faith
- Suburban Unity Alliance
- Indivisble Chicago
- Friends Who March
- International Socialist Organizatio
- Planned Parenthood of Illinois
- Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Oppression


Over the past five years, DACA has provided 800,000 immigrant youth protection from deportation, the opportunity for higher education and jobs, and more stability to our communities. Similarly, TPS has aided over 300,000 immigrants from Africa, Haiti, Central America, Syria, Yemen and other countries that have suffered from major catastrophes.

September 5th is the deadline that Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton and 9 other right-wing politicians have given Trump to end the DACA program.

That's why on September 1st, cities and states across the country, thousands of immigrant youth and allies will continue to take to the streets to demand the Trump administration protect the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (DACA) and the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) programs.

DACA recipients, immigrants protected under TPS and our allies have a message to the Trump administration: We have won before, we will win again, and we are #HereToStay.

Note: By choosing to attend this event, you are acknowledging the risks involved, and you are committing to participate non-violently and in accordance with the law, and to work to de-escalate confrontations with opposing persons or others. You agree (i) not to engage in any act of violence or violation of any applicable law and (ii) to obey the orders of authorized event marshals and law enforcement authorities.