[Chicago, IL] The War in Ukraine: How Will It End - CAPA

Start: Sunday, May 15, 202212:00 PM

JOIN US IN-PERSON for a teach-in on ending the war in Ukraine. CAPA and CAPA DePaul join Codepink, Chicago Committee Against War and Racism, and other partners at the DePaul University Quad to speak out against warmaking in Ukraine, and call for diplomacy and non-military solutions.

Peace activists from Ukraine, Russia, and elsewhere are calling for de-escalation and diplomacy, not more weapons. If you've already taken action and contacted your members of Congress to seek non-military solutions, THANK YOU! If you haven't yet, please urge them to speak out for strong diplomatic solutions and against further escalation of war-fighting.      

The crisis in Ukraine shows the need for a U.S. foreign policy reset. It's a wakeup call to invest in peace and divest from war. Military buildups only increase the horrors of war like those in Ukraine. They also leave everyone exposed to danger: one million people have died of COVID just in the U.S., yet we have underfunded our healthcare systems and have done little to ensure global vaccine equity. And lest we forget, severe weather events caused by climate change are ravaging communities across the globe

Instead of seeking diplomacy and diverting war spending to our shared security needs, U.S. officials are requesting record-breaking Pentagon funds to the tune of $813 Billion. Government officials act as though flooding conflicts with even more weapons will protect civilians. As the saying goes, "The first casualty of war is truth. The rest are mostly civilians." It's time for a foreign policy that addresses the safety and security needs of all parties, and leaves behind abusive policies of "full spectrum dominance."      

Please contact your members of Congress today to urge them to speak out for diplomatic steps and to oppose further war escalation in Ukraine. And be sure to click the buttons above to RSVP to our teach-in on what Ukrainian, Russian, and other peace leaders are calling for to end the war. Thank you for taking action for peace in Ukraine.

The CAPA Team, in partnership with Codepink, Chicago Committee Against War and Racism, and others

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