Join the #OutNOW Contingent at the Rally to Defend the Election!

Start: Saturday, November 07, 2020 1:00 PM

Saturday, 1 pm, Union Park, Lake and Ashland, Chicago
(Rally sponsored by Refuse Fascism Chicago Chapter and more than a dozen other organizations)

Biden has been declared the winner, this is a major repudiation of the fascist regime, powered by MILLIONS of us! Trump & Pence have not stopped, you know that, right? Denouncing the vote vs them as "illegal," filing lawsuit after lawsuit, mobilizing armed thugs to threaten vote counters. NOW is the time to flood the streets and demand Trump & Pence #OutNOW, before more damage can be done, more lives lost, fascism consolidated. See you at 1 PM UNION PARK

Make Saturday a powerful outpouring of determination to prevent election theft and a fascist rolling coup!

White supremacy is illegitimate. Patriarchal theocracy is illegitimate. FASCISM IS ILLEGITIMATE.

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