Citizens' Forum on the Climate Emergency

Start: Tuesday, November 07, 2023 7:00 PM

End: Tuesday, November 07, 2023 9:00 PM

Citizens' Forum 2023
Climate Action Durham

The purpose of the Citizens' Forum is to give Durham city and county residents the opportunity to

  • learn about Durham County Council’s actions to combat the climate emergency,
  • ask questions,
  • comment and discuss the progress made, challenges encountered, and future plans that will be formalised in the next Climate Emergency Response Plan


19:00-19:05 Welcome - Richard Lilly (CAD)

19:05-19:15 Introduction to the event format Fiona Dyer (CAD)

19:15-19:30 Introduction to DCC’s climate action (CERPs 1, 2, ecological emergency declaration) (DCC)

19:35-20:40 Facilitated small groups review, assess progress made, and discuss future plans in the topic areas of

  1. Transport
  2. Education, engagement and behaviour change
  3. Food and Waste
  4. Heat, Energy,

20:45-21:00 Closing plenary with feedback and looking forward

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