Citizens Not Politicians Day of Action: Lima!

Start: Tuesday, May 14, 202410:30 AM

Ohioans from many different organizations are working together to collect signatures to end gerrymandering once and for all. It's a team effort to establish a citizens redistricting commission and improve democracy in the Buckeye state!

Please join Fair Districts, AFL-CIO, ACLU, Ohio Environmental Council and other organizations as we come together to get signatures in Allen, Hardin, and Hancock counties! This event will start off with inspiring words from local leaders, refreshments will be served, then volunteers will have the opportunity to take action and collect signatures at a drive through and other events, and/or knock doors for signatures in the community.

All are welcome and needed! Bring your friends. A good time will be had by all as we work to make sure politicians can no longer rig voting maps in Ohio.

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