NIGHT SCHOOL - Class Struggle and Socialist Strategy Part 3: A Case Study in Housing Struggles

Start: 2023-05-23 19:00:00 UTC Pacific Daylight Time (US & Canada) (GMT-07:00)

End: 2023-05-23 20:30:00 UTC Pacific Daylight Time (US & Canada) (GMT-07:00)

This is a virtual event

DSA-LA continues to welcome new comrades to our shared struggle, and while many new socialists are familiar with our popular, contemporary demands (e.g. Green New Deal, Housing for All, etc.), not all new radicals have had a chance to discuss and learn about how these demands fit into our ultimate emancipatory political horizon in addition to mitigating the present depredations of capitalism.

With that said, the DSA-LA Political Education Committee is proud to present our Night School for the spring & summer of 2023, Class Struggle and Socialist Strategy.

The 5-part study syllabus includes an introduction to and an examination of various terrains of class struggle: the workplace or points of production, campaigns for decommodified public goods, electoralism, and consciousness raising.

Join the DSA-LA Political Education Committee for our class, A Case Study in Housing Struggles. Housing has been transformed from a place that provides for shelter and safety to a vehicle for capitalist investment. The American housing market is highly commodified. Not only do we need to sacrifice and sell our labor merely to exist and reside in the world, but at the same time, those residencies are used to grow the already staggering wealth of the capitalist class, who profit off of the individuals who actually reside in these structures. This module explores efforts to remove housing from the market and provide safe, clean, and affordable housing for all.

We will be meeting over Zoom. Please RSVP for the link.

Recommended readings:

And check out more classes in this series:

  • Socialist Strategy and Electoralism - 6/6
  • Socialist Propaganda and Consciousness Raising - 6/25