Climate Day Of Action At New York State Assembly - May 29

Start: Wednesday, May 29, 202410:30 AM

End: Wednesday, May 29, 2024 4:30 PM

For two years, the New York State Assembly, led by Speaker Carl Heastie, has refused to vote on critical climate legislation. Meanwhile, our schools and communities are flooding. Our skies are turning orange. Meanwhile, fossil fuels are expanding and our planet is being dragged closer and closer to apocalypse.

We must demand change. We must demand the liveable New York we need and deserve. Together we can achieve it.

Despite, majority support in the State Assembly and passage in the State Senate for two years, Speaker Carl Heastie has refused to call a vote on both the Climate Change Superfund and the NY HEAT Act, critical bills to hold polluters accountable and invest in resiliency, affordability, and climate.  On May 29, we will send a loud and clear message the Assembly can no longer ignore: you can't side with fossil fuels year after year and claim to be on the side of our communities and our generation.

*Logistical information, including on transportation, at the end of this blurb. Note: This is an open intergenerational day of action, though led by youth and environmental justice leaders, organized by Fridays For Future NYC and the campaign behind the Climate Change Superfund Act in conjunction with other organizations and coalitions.

Key Logistical Information:

New York City - Please indicate in this form that you would like to join the bus departing from New York City early in the morning to reserve a seat. We will then contact you via email as soon as possible with the information on the specific time and location to meet the bus, though it'll be around 7:30-8:00 am in Midtown Manhattan. The bus will also bring us back to the same location in the city, likely arriving around 7:00pm. Lunch will be provided. We also will provide breakfast with bagels on the bus as well. Please RSVP by midnight on Tuesday, May 28 at the latest to reserve a spot on the bus.

Buffalo Area - There will be a van of people departing from Buffalo. Contact Roger Cook if you would like to join -

Central NY Area - There may be a potential carpool. Indicate your interest in joining on this form.

Ithaca - There will be a carpool departing from Ithaca. Contact Brian Eden if you would like to join

Capital District - Meet at Dunkin Donuts in the Capitol at 10:00 am.

How The Day Will Go:

10:00am - Initial meet-up for folks in the Capital District at Dunkin Donuts.

10:30am - Letter delivery led by environmental justice leaders to the Assembly Speaker's office.

11:00am - Action begins, lining the halls to the Assembly Chamber and intergenerational sit-in.

12:00pm - Rally begins, key youth and environmental justice speakers.

12:30pm - Youth-led "die-in."

1:00pm - Youth Sit-in starts, joined by allied Assembly Members.

3:00pm - Environmental Justice leaders join in solidarity with youth sit-in.

4:30pm - Bus will depart for New York City.

*Times are approximate.

Please reach out with any questions to Co-sponsoring organizations in addition to Fridays For Future NYC and NYPIRG include Sunrise Movement NYC, Sixth Street Community Center, Treeage, NY Renews, Sunrise Movement Ithaca, Sunrise Movement Westchester, and Fridays For Future Capital District, among others.

Note: If you are a High School student who would like to request a letter describing the day of action to share with faculty or administrators at your school, please reach out to

Event by
Fridays For Future NYC
New York, New York