Climate Education and Public Health: A lens for learning and action

Start: 2024-02-07 09:00:00 UTC Eastern Standard Time (US & Canada) (GMT-05:00)

A link to attend this virtual event will be emailed upon RSVP

Climate disaster. Food insecurity. Higher rates of asthma. There is no public health issue more important to our time than climate change. While climate change and the release of carbon into our atmosphere can often feel like a vague phenomena, it is in the realm of public health that it is often made most concrete. That's why it's imperative that we address this connection head on with our students, so they can understand how climate change is with us here today.

Worldwide Climate and Justice Education Week has worked for over 5 years to spark and support interdisciplinary climate learning and action in educational communities around the world. This year, we are proud to partner with the American Public Health Association, who are joining this global initiative to help facilitate learning that explores the intersection of public health and climate during Worldwide Climate and Justice Ed. Week (April 1-8 2024).

Join us on February 7th at 9am or 12pm ET for a Webinar with members of the Worldwide Climate and Justice Ed. Team, along with a representative of the American Public Health Association, to explore how you can use public health as a lens for learning on climate change. And join us to learn more about how you can sign up your institution to take part in The Worldwide Climate and Justice Education Week this April!

  • Participants will understand the importance of sharing information about climate change through a health lens.
  • Participants will know the connection between climate drivers and health outcomes.
  • Participants will understand how mitigation and adaptation strategies help students feel hope that they can affect their futures.
  • Participants will gain familiarity with APHA’s Climate and Health Youth Education Toolkit and methodology for applying it in their communities.