Climate Emergency & the Green New Deal: Centering the Voices of Movements

Start: Thursday, September 05, 2019 7:00 PM

End: Thursday, September 05, 2019 9:30 PM

On the evening of Thursday, September 5, Bronx Climate Justice North and co-hosts will hold a panel event designed to help communities in New York City and beyond envision the strongest possible Green New Deal from the perspective of social movements -- Progressive Labor, Environmental Justice, Indigenous Peoples, Climate Youth, and Ecosocialism.

As yet, the Green New Deal is just a dream. But it has already become a battleground between those who would co-opt it for a version of "green capitalism" that will ensure climate disaster and continued economic and racial injustice, and those who envision a radically new society designed around the needs and demands of people on the front lines of the climate crisis in New York City, NY State, the U.S., and around the world.

This forum will lift up the voices of those suffering "first and worst" from the climate emergency and those who have long struggled on the front lines of environmental injustice and racism. These bold but historically marginalized people and communities in our city and across the world must shape the future. As we mark the second anniversary of Hurricane Maria throughout the month of September, this event will also center the radical, creative struggles for climate and economic justice and democracy in Puerto Rico and the need for transnational struggle and solidarity.

Doors open at 6:30 pm


Jonathan Soto -- Assoc. VP of Strategic Initiatives, Union Theological Seminary; Human rights activist and community organizer; Formed Bronx Long Term Recovery Group after Hurricane Sandy and coordinated disaster recovery services by NYC to Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria


Sean Sweeney -- Trade Unions for Energy Democracy; Director of International Program for Labor, Climate, and Environment, CUNY School of Labor and Urban Studies--The Murphy Institute

Alexandria Villaseñor -- 14-year-old Founder and Executive Director, Earth Uprising; Co-Founder, U.S. Youth Climate Strike

Mychal Johnson -- Co-Founder, South Bronx Unite; Board of Directors, Mott Haven-Port Morris Community Land Stewards, Bronx

Roberto Mukaro Borrero -- Kasike (Chief), Guainía Taíno Tribe; President, United Confederation of Taíno People; President, Friends of Brook Park, Bronx

Mark Dunlea -- Chair, Green Education and Legal Fund; 2010 Co-author of the Green New Deal in U.S.; Co-coordinator of the Campaign for 100% Renewables by 2030 / Off Fossil Fuels Now

Judy Sheridan-Gonzalez, RN -- President, NY State Nurses Association; Co-coordinator, NYRN Disaster Relief Work in Puerto Rico

The program will include a screening of the 7-minute Green New Deal video, "A Message from the Future."

There will be tabling by co-hosts.

Please support this event by making a donation HERE, and thank you!

Co-hosts (list in formation, please email to if you would like to co-host):

Sunrise NYC, South Bronx Unite, Friends of Brook Park, Bronx/Upper Manhattan DSA (Democratic Socialists of America), Food & Water Watch, 350NYC, Trade Unions for Energy Democracy, Earth Uprising, GreenFeen OrganiX, Green Education and Legal Fund, North Bronx Racial Justice, NY Communities for Change, Citizens' Climate Lobby, Beloved Earth Community of the Riverside Church, Riverdale-Yonkers Society for Ethical Culture, Science for the People NYC, Peoples Climate Movement NY, Green Party of Brooklyn

Free & Open to the Public