Climate Movement Summer Celebration
Start: Saturday, August 26, 2023• 6:30 PM
End: Saturday, August 26, 2023•11:00 PM
Join the climate movement for an end of summer bash in Brooklyn! Get hype for: activist bands, comedy, a sustainable clothing swap, tattoos, tarot, and our big plans to take action this September and beyond. Celebrate our movement’s success as we gear up for an unforgettable fall!
Lineup includes:
The Resistance Company @resistancecompany
Dumpster Pink @Dumpsterpink
Themme @themme_musics
Jester of No Court @jesterofnocourt
CW @c.wheadley
Roselove @rosesvillage
DJ Amer I'm Here @amerjandali
Wally Mazon @iwallymazon
Reclypt @reclypt
Tattoos by Sumi @sumiiiz
Suggested donation is only $5 and includes a membership to Climate Cafe: a community space for all things climate. Meet your neighbors, make friends, and join us for free coffee at our events! We give you all the tools you need to fight for our collective future.