Cloud Cafe - Faith and Activism

Start: 2024-05-08 19:30:00 UTC British Summer Time (GMT+01:00)

End: 2024-05-08 21:00:00 UTC British Summer Time (GMT+01:00)

A link to attend this virtual event will be emailed upon RSVP

The sun shining through clouds with a text overlay 'Faith and Activism - Wednesday 8th May - 7.30 until 9pm

Religious faith can be about much more than just ‘going to church’. It can provide the moral certainty to take practical action in support of important causes – and the courage to risk arrest.

At our Cloud Café, people of faith will speak about their active involvement in protest movements such as XR, Palestinian solidarity and the campaign against HS2. They will explain how their faith drives and sustains them and how their activism raises awareness of the causes close to their hearts.

Following the speakers the audience will be invited to join the discussion and debate. Everyone is welcome and the event is free of charge.

Can’t make it on the night? Register anyway and you’ll be sent the recording.