CO Letter Drop - Sen. Michael Bennet

Start: Wednesday, May 18, 2016 1:00 PM

This month we celebrated May Day all across the country to show solidarity with labor. We are asking our Congress members to cosponsor legislation that empowers workers to form labor unions, finishes the Constitutional amendment to guarantee equal pay for equal work, opposes the job and democracy killing Trans Pacific Partnership and allows the government to create millions of jobs to put America back to work.

Senate Legislation
Equal Rights Amendment - 3 State (SJ Res 15 - Cardin) to finish the Constitutional amendment started in 1920 by Alice Paul that codifies equal pay for equal work and brings strict judicial scrutiny to discrimination based on sex. Currently there are 35 states that have ratified the Equal Rights Amendment. This bill allows us to add 3 more states and complete the amendment process.

Paycheck Fairness Act (S 862 -Mikulski ) Amends the portion of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 known as the Equal Pay Act to revise remedies for, enforcement of and exceptions to prohibitions against sex discimination in the payment of wages. Limits wage discrimination to factors such as education, training or experience.

Pay Workers a Living Wage Act (S 1832 - Sanders) gradually increases the minimum wage to $15/hour after 4 years from passage.

Employ Young Americans Now (S 1506 - Sanders) Establishes the Employ Young Americans Fund with an initial appropriation of $5.5 billion to provide summer and yeaer-round employment opportunities to low-income youth. Additionally this program funds training that provide low-income youth with skills that will lead to employment.

Workplace Democracy Act (S 2142- Sanders) amends the National Labor Relations Act to establish an efficient system to enable employees to form, join or assist labor organizations.

Vote no on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), and all other multinational corporate / commercial agreements that would export U.S. jobs, while elevating special corporate interests to quasi-sovereign status.

House Legislation
Equal Rights Amendment (HJ Res 51 - Speier)

Paycheck Fairness Act (HR 1619 - DeLauro)

Workplace Democracy Act (HR 3690- Pocan)

Pay Workers a Living Wage Act (HR 3164 - Ellison)

Humphrey Hawkins Full Employment and Training Act (HR 1000 - Conyers)

Employ Young Americans Now Act (HR 2714- Conyers)

Vote no on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)

Event by
Andrea Miller
Ruther Glen, Virginia
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Ruther Glen, VA