Ban CO2 Fracking - Rally & Lobby Day
Start: Tuesday, March 05, 2024•10:00 AM
End: Tuesday, March 05, 2024• 3:00 PM

The oil and gas industry is back in New York, with a new scheme to evade New York's fracking ban by using carbon dioxide instead of of water.
We must stop this dangerous plan in its tracks
That's why we're rallying in Albany to call for a ban on CO2 fracking, followed by a lobby day to push our legislators to step up and ban this dangerous practice now.
We can win a ban on this destructive practice the same way we banned fracking ten years ago – with overwhelming people power, but it's going to take all of us, working together. Together, the climate movement is more powerful than the oil and gas industry.
Join us on March 5th to support passage of CO2 Fracking Ban Bill S8357/A8866.
See you in Albany!
Schedule for the day:
10:00 a.m. Meet in the Capitol Building on the fourth floor outside Senate Chambers to review lobby materials and meeting times with lobby team leaders.
11:00 a.m. Press Conference/Rally on the fourth floor of the capitol outside the Senate Chambers.
12:00-3:00 p.m. Break into lobby teams and attend meetings with key legislators.
See a letter here signed by more than 90 groups in New York State to learn more about CO2 drilling:
This event is co-sponsored by Frack Action, Food & Water Watch - New York, Environmental Advocates NY, Sierra Club Atlantic Chapter, Citizen Action NY, Fossil Free Tompkins, Residents Allied for the Future of Tioga (RAFT), Network for a Sustainable Tomorrow (NEST), NRDC, New Yorkers for Clean Power, TH!RD ACT Upstate NY, Catskill Mountainkeeper, Climate Reality Project New York State Chapters Coalition, Alliance for a Green Economy (AGREE), Mothers Out Front New York and Concerned Health Professionals of New York. (list in formation)