Community Canvass- Cipriano Vargas for Vista Mayor
Start: Saturday, October 08, 2022• 9:00 AM
End: Saturday, October 08, 2022•12:30 PM
Join Team Vargas for our voter engagement canvassing events and help ensure people know how critical this race is for our community. Join our #ShoeChallenge and lace up this weekend hitting the pavement with your neighbors and spread our vision for a cleaner, safer and more inclusive Vista. We will provide a training and go over the talking points before going out to the neighborhood.
Come out and join our Community Walk on Saturday, October 8th in support of our Grassroots campaign for Mayor of Vista. We will meet at Shadowridge Park, at 2101 Lupine Hills Dr, Vista, CA 92081 from 9:00AM - 12:30PM.