Community-Powered Lobbying Course

Start: 2023-12-04 19:00:00 UTC Eastern Standard Time (US & Canada) (GMT-05:00)

This is a virtual event

Join us for an in-depth, five week course on community powered lobbying hosted by Rabbi Michael Pollack!

MarchOnHarrisburg has conducted thousands of lobbying meetings over the last seven years to advance our pro-democracy, anti-corruption bills.

This course will help you become:
  • Competent in conducting lobbying meetings as part of a broader organized, anti-corruption statewide movement.
  • Clear about how our political system operates and how our State Legislators are incentivized to think and behave against the public interest.
  • Capable of convincing a State Legislator that it is in their best interest to support the public interest.
  • Confident enough to ‘hold your own’ in a meeting with a powerful politician.
  • Committed to putting in the hard work to get the job done of building a better world for ourselves and our loved ones.

***This course meets on Mondays from 7:00 - 8:30pm on November 13, 20, 27, and December 4, 11 on zoom.

Course Schedule:

Week 1: Introduction to Lobbying: The Basics!
Week 2: The State Legislature: How it Works and Why it Does What it does.
Week 3: Ethical Discipline and Nonviolence: Preparing Ourselves for Encounters with Absurdity.
Week 4: Studying Democracy Bills: Knowing What We’re Talking About.
Week 5: Lobbying: Productive Conversations with People You Disagree With

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