Connecting Community and Services

Start: 2023-09-28 08:00:00 UTC British Summer Time (GMT+01:00)

End: 2023-09-28 09:00:00 UTC British Summer Time (GMT+01:00)

A link to attend this virtual event will be emailed upon RSVP

For our next online meet-up we'll hear from the Netherlands about their Buurtcirkels. These are networks set up in a local area that adapt to the community. They’ll explore the challenges of connecting people with their community and ensuring communities are open and inclusive.

We’ll also hear from Vienna about their experience of setting up a Buurtcirkel during the pandemic.

We will also open breakout rooms to allow time to exchange successes and challenges on connecting communities and services and take feedback for future topics.

Speakers: Werner Fink, Lok - Vienna and Richard Van Vliet, Pameijer - Netherlands

This event is hosted by KeyRing and Citizen Network.

KeyRing is an adult social care provider and charity that inspires people to live fulfilling lives within their local community. They see people's potential and offer support to build independence and connect with others to build a life beyond services. Find out more at:

Citizen Network is a global non-profit cooperative working to create a world where everyone matters. Membership of Citizen Network is free and open to both individuals and groups, find out more at:

NB: this event will take place on Zoom and after registering you will receive instructions on how to join in on the day.