Coordination Committee (formerly the Organizing Committee)
Start: Saturday, August 22, 2020 at 9:00 PM GMT
This is a virtual event
One of the biggest challenges we face in Seattle DSA is a lack of coordination and communication between all the many working groups and district groups—and between these groups and the chapter’s elected leadership, the Local Council.
Them Internal Organizers are now organizing monthly meetings of a Coordination Committee to allow co-chairs of working groups and district groups to discuss , and an easy connection to the Local Council. These meetings provide a forum for some of the leading organizers in our chapter to come together to discuss the key political questions facing the socialist movement. Both Internal and External Organizers from the Local Council will be present at the meetings, and all Local Council members are encouraged to attend. Representatives from all district, working groups, and caucuses are encouraged to bring reports, proposals, and ideas to these meetings. This will increase the membership’s input into the Local Council’s work and the chapter’s work.
The working groups, district groups, and caucuses should decide which representative(s) to send to the Coordination Committee meetings, but we prefer that at least one co-chair from your group consistently attends if possible.
Please mark your calendar: Sat. Aug. 22nd, 2 – 4 pm
The Internal Organizers will send an agenda for Co-chairs and Local Council members to review before the meeting. In the meantime, feel free to send us any suggestions or post them on the Slack Coordination Committee channel. Any DSA member is welcome to observe these meetings.
These meetings generally take place on the third Saturday of every month from 2- 4 pm — online during the pandemic (although this one happens to be on the 4th Saturday in August).