Could a Universal Basic Income support the transition to a sustainable food system?
Start: Thursday, October 26, 2023 at 12:00 PM GMT
End: Thursday, October 26, 2023 at 1:00 PM GMT
This is a virtual event

The Gordian knot of ‘affordable food’ lies at the centre of the UK food system’s challenges. On one hand, many people on low income are unable to afford a healthy diet. On the other, the pressure to keep food prices low means many workers in the food system, including growers and farmers, are among the lowest paid in the economy. One way to tackle both issues at once – giving citizens and producers financial security, and potentially disentangling the knot – would be to give every individual a guaranteed and adequate Universal Basic Income.
Our third online webinar builds on our launch event by exploring how a Universal Basic Income (UBI) can assist us with the transition to a sustainable UK food system. We do this at the hand of our recently published policy insight with the Food Research Collaboration (FRC).
We are supported by our friends at UBI4Farmers, a grassroots movement advocating for the implementation of an unconditional basic income for farmers, farm workers and food producers in the UK.
We are thrilled to announce that Natalie Bennett, Green Peer and former Green Party leader, will be sharing her thoughts on the potential impact of a UBI on sustainable diets and food systems with us.
We will have plenty of time for Q&A!
We hope to see you online on the 26th October 1-2 pm GMT/UTC+1.
UBI Lab Food and UBI4Farmers