D2 Group Discussion: When Race and Gender Become Weapons of the Capitalist Class
Start: Sunday, August 16, 2020 at 9:00 AM GMT
End: Sunday, August 16, 2020 at 10:30 PM GMT
This is a virtual event
This week Carmen Best resigned from her role as chief of the Seattle Police Department and Kamala Harris joined the Democratic ticket as Joe Biden’s running mate. How do we analyze the capitalist weaponization of race and gender without resorting to class reductionism? How do we develop an intersectional socialist analysis aligned with the projects of Black liberation and decolonization?
Join SDSA’s District 2 Group in a discussion (via Zoom) of recent events and their implications. We’ll also devote a little time to start the process of power mapping so we can support our chapter’s efforts to defund SPD.