DACA in Danger: Community Call

Start: 2023-09-14 19:00:00 UTC Eastern Standard Time (US & Canada) (GMT-05:00)

This is a virtual event

El juez federal Hanen ha intentado terminar con DACA una vez más, pero sabemos que DACA es legal y correcto. Ahora, el futuro de DACA regresa a manos de jueces designados por Trump. Esta nueva decisión nos deja claro que debemos cuidar de nuestra comunidad como lo hicimos en 2020 – cuando luchamos por DACA y la Corte Suprema votó a nuestro favor. Estamos aquí para mantenerte al tanto sobre las actualizaciones de DACA y responder a todas tus dudas. ¡Acompáñanos el jueves 14 de septiembre a las 7 pm ET/ 6 pm CT/ 5 pm MT/ 4 pm PT en nuestra llamada comunitaria sobre DACA! Tendremos traducción al español disponible. Regístrate hoy mismo.

A new anti-immigrant decision on DACA was just issued, but we know that DACA is legal & right.

Judge Hanen of TX - the same judge who ended first time applications 2 years ago - ruled negatively on the Biden Admin’s new DACA rule. Now, the future of the DACA program is in the hands of Trump-appointed judges. Now the future of the DACA program is in the hands of Trump-appointed judges.

This new judgment tells us that we need to bring our same community protection energy to the fight as we did in 2020 when the Supreme Court sided in our favor on DACA.

Right now, DACA renewals & Advanced Parole applications are still being accepted. But to make sure you get the full breakdown on where we go from here & have space to get your questions answered, we’ll host a Community Call.

RSVP here to join our “DACA in Danger: Community Call!” on Thursday September 14 at 7pm ET/ 6 pm CT/ 5 pm MT/ 4 pm PT!

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