DAY 2: Who Controls Your Data? A Panel on CA Prop 24 & Consumer Privacy

Start: Sunday, October 4, 2020 at 8:30 PM GMT

End: Sunday, October 4, 2020 at 10:00 PM GMT

This is a virtual event

Reclaiming Our Digital Future: A Data Privacy Series

DAY 2:  Who Controls Your Data? A Panel on CA Prop 24 & Consumer Privacy

Four experts in the field of data rights and consumer privacy will converge in a panel to discuss why your vote in this election matters.

Andrew Yang, former presidential candidate and founder of Humanity Forward

Panelists include:
Alastair Mactaggart, Founder of Californians for Consumer Privacy
Enoch Liang, CEO of the Data Dividend Project
James P. Steyer, CEO of Common Sense Media
Shoshana Zuboff, Harvard Professor and Author

Join to learn more about the rapidly developing trends in data privacy and technology, and how laws like CA Prop 24 can help protect your individual rights.

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Belmont, California
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