Day of Action in Mt. Wolf, PA to End Gerrymandering - Wednesday, July 11

Start: Wednesday, July 11, 201812:00 PM

Fair Districts PA will be in Mt. Wolf on Wednesday, July 11, asking Governor Wolf to call a special session right away so our legislators can pass an amendment to create an independent redistricting commission.

We'll be meeting in Wolf Community Park, at 5th and Maple Streets, Mt. Wolf at noon for a quick picnic lunch.

Then we'll be walking together (or driving with gear) to Governor Wolf's home five blocks away.

Bring lunch, snacks, lots of water, sunscreen, banners, signs, lawn chairs, shade tents or shade umbrellas.

Come for as long as you can.

If you'll be joining us after 12:30 PM, plan to meet us at the corner of Front and Center Streets. (We're planning to stay into the evening, but if you'll be coming late in the day, you might want to call and confirm we're still there: 1-800-313-1597.)

Join us!

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