Dear Candidate Forum -- Rally for a Public Presidential Search

Start: Thursday, December 12, 201910:00 AM

Do you want an open and public search for Mason's next President?

Come join us at our "Dear Candidate" Forum on December 12th at 10am in SUB I, Patriot Lounge (first floor lobby -- see picture below)!!

Hosted jointly by AAUP@Mason and TransparentGMU, this event will send the Board of Visitors a powerful message: the Mason community--including faculty, students and staff--deserves a chance to meet all Presidential finalists, ask them questions, and provide feedback to the search committee.

We have asked the BOV for a chance to offer public comments in favor of an open search at their December 12th meeting. They have declined our request. So we'll be voicing our public comments at this rally! We'll have coffee, donuts, and a roster of speakers discussing why an open, public search for Mason's next President is crucial to the future of our university community.

Some things are complicated. This is not. Mason is a public university. As a public university, we should affirm and defend the values of transparency, openness, and shared governance. The search for our next President should embody--not violate--these values. Join us to demand that your voice be heard.

Here's a shot of the Patriot Lounge in SUB I:

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