Defeat Bathroom Bill Bishop in NC!

Start: Wednesday, August 14, 2019 5:00 PM

Dan McCready is the Democratic challenger to Republican Dan Bishop. He lost in 2018 in an election that was declared invalid due to fraud on the part of his then challenger. Because of this, there will be a special election for the NC 09 district on Sept. 10th. Please join us to encourage people to get out and vote for McCready and ditch one of the architects of the Bathroom Bill- Dan Bishop! Stamps, paper, ink and envelopes are provided by volunteers. Please consider bringing first class stamps or business-size envelopes or making a donation to help cover theses expenses.

Please encourage your friends, too: let them know that Swing Left is pioneering an innovative program, using letters to help volunteers like us turn out Super State voters by mail, with help from our partners at Vote Forward.

Think about it: if you help get a voter to the polls in one of our targeted Super States, you can impact key State races necessary to roll back gerrymanders. That’s what Swing Left's Super State Strategy is all about: maximizing the impact of your time and money! Looking forward to seeing you!

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Northampton, Massachusetts