Degrowth, collapse and people power
Start: Saturday, December 07, 2024•10:30 AM
End: Saturday, December 07, 2024• 1:00 PM
We are well into the climate endgame. And we are also seeing early signs of economic collapse. Our economy requires ever-accelerating growth. But we live on a finite and increasingly damaged planet.
Can we win degrowth and a whole new economic paradigm? Or will we see repeated crises with no clear plan to create a different path?
Can we win the emergency climate action we so desperately need in a time of ever-increasing inequality and social polarisation?
As society fractures, locally based social bonds are the key. We need to connect with those already suffering under the so-called cost of living crisis - which is in fact a crisis of ever-increasing inequality associated with the dominance of the wealthy in our political processes.
In the UK, Roger Hallam is leading Assemble, a diversification of the A22 collaboration that includes a strong emphasis on local organising and deliberative democracy in addition to continuing civil resistance. Explore with us how the people can become the powerful. And how the cracks opening up in our economic system can be campaigning opportunities.
We are hoping that as many as possible will attend in person. But if that is difficult for you, there will be a Zoom option.