DeKalb Green New Deal Summit 2023

Start: Saturday, October 14, 2023 8:00 AM

End: Saturday, October 14, 2023 6:00 PM

Join the people-powered movement for bold, urgent, local climate action here in DeKalb County. The DeKalb Green Deal Summit is an opportunity to join Commissioner Terry, the D6 Team, and other DeKalb Green New Deal Champions to learn about the steps the county has taken towards climate and be a part of the future for climate action.

You will not want to miss this awesome opportunity to:

-         Taste a Productive Urban Landscape with Roots Down

-         Tour Sustainable Housing Cottages with MicroLife Institute

-         Imagine the Clean Energy Future with Southface Institute

-         Ride on an Electric Bus with MARTA

-         Retrofit Suburbia with Ellen Dunham-Jones and Georgia Tech Students

-         See the Sunrise from Arabia Mountain with Arabia Alliance and DeKalb County Parks

This event is free to attend and includes light snacks and lunch.

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