Delaware Rally for Climate Justice
Start: Monday, January 23, 2017•12:00 PM
End: Monday, January 23, 2017• 1:00 PM

Climate action is under attack. The Trump presidency threatens to undo all our progress, and set the climate movement back years — years we can’t afford.
Through the first 100 hours of Trump’s administration, join the People’s Climate Movement to oppose the Trump Administration’s aggressive attacks on our air and water, our economy, our health, our families, and our future.
Join us on Monday, January 23rd for a lunchtime rally for climate justice at The Community Service Building* at 12pm to kick off the resistance here in Delaware.
It’s up to us to stop these attacks before they can really start. Join us during the first 100 hours of Trump’s presidency to set a tone that we will not stand for any attempts to undermine the fight for justice. If you can, bring a sign supporting climate action, opposing climate denial and/or confronting racism, sexism and xenophobia. Our movements for climate action, humans rights and justice are intertwined. We stand in solidarity with the many groups the President-Elect has said he plans to target.
**Due to the bad weather we will meet inside the Community Service Building (100 W. 10th St.--caddy corner to Rodney Square) for a quick climate teach-in and action opposing Trump's appointed cabinet of fossil fools.
Call 302-468-4550 or email Stephanie with questions not covered in the event description.