Deliberative Democracy in Schools

Start: 2024-09-15 17:00:00 UTC Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney (GMT+10:00)

End: 2024-09-15 18:30:00 UTC Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney (GMT+10:00)

This is a virtual event

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This is one of a series of forums. Dr Sonia Randhawa will answer questions on Citizen's Assemblies and discuss practical ways of integrating education on deliberative democracy into primary and secondary school education, including electing school councils via sortition.

This is the Zoom for the event.

Here is some useful background on the Irish Children and Young People's Assembly.

Would you like to do some broader pre-reading on fixing the political system? Tim Hollo's book,  Living Democracy, an ecological manifesto for the end of the world as we know it, is well worth a look. You can listen to Chapter 4 for free here.

Want to get some background on the practicalities of Citizens' Assemblies? Here are some pre-reading options and a talk:

The Extinction Rebellion Australia Guide to Citizens’ Assemblies

Brett Hennik - The End of Politicians TED talk

Please tune in to Zoom five minutes early so we can start on time.