Demand Change at Clinton Peabody

Start: Thursday, March 22, 2018 4:00 PM

Residents of Clinton Peabody have been struggling with inhumane conditions for far too long. From mice infestations, to the stench of sewage, to continual loss of heat, this community has been neglected and ignored.

The St. Louis Housing authority and the US Department of Housing and Urban Development have not been listening to residents. But, on March 22nd, we're going to make them listen: by protesting at the STL Housing Authority meeting!

Join us to demand a change in the inhumane conditions at Clinton Peabody.

For Tenants Only

Rides will be provided for you. You will need to call Generate Health St. Louis at (314) 359-1430 to let them know you need a ride to the meeting

For Everyone Else

We will meet at the St. Louis Housing Authority building at 4:00pm. The meeting starts at 4:30.