Deputized Voter Registrars Best Practices with Beto

Start: Sunday, January 28, 201812:00 PM

End: Sunday, January 28, 2018 2:30 PM

The Harris County Tax Assessors office indicates there were over 2500+ newly deputized voter registrars (DVRs) in 2017. Key to their successes are abundant opportunities to plug into events and a network to support them.

On 1.5.18, we provided the opportunity for 45 veteran and novice Harris County DVRs to share best practices, discuss strategic issues-based organizing for continued engagement after voter registration, and commit to a partnered / group calendar of voter registration / engagement in specific communities from Jan - Nov 2018 to hold each other accountable.

On 1.19.18, one of our VR warriors and her team registered 40 new voters at Houston Community College (HCC) Central. Meanwhile, at the much smaller HCC Coleman (Medical Center), over brief but powerful conversations about the right to religious refusal in patient care and SB4, over 20 existing voters unaware of March primaries signed up for our pledgecard / postcard voter engagement campaign.

The registration deadline for primaries is 2.5.18. On 1.28.18, we build upon sage advice from last session and learn by doing. Special guest, Congressman Beto O'Rourke, joins us with his expert lens on civic / voter engagement.

We have a limit of 100 people for this exclusive event for current DVRs. Please only RSVP if you are certain you will participate, and make sure to bring your DVR card to the event. We need a limited number of veterans but are really targeting those newly deputized. In the meantime, request to join Harris County DVRs on Facebook to get plugged in.

Finally, please consider donating to Pantsuit Republic for the cost of materials and food/drink, so we can continue to make these events accessible to all.

Thank you!