Divest from Crisis LeicsDivest demo

Start: Friday, March 24, 2023 5:30 PM

End: Friday, March 24, 2023 6:30 PM

This demo is part of the National Divest Day of Action, with many other events happening all over the country. We'll begin at the Leicester Clocktower at 5.30pm, and then move down together to the Town Hall Square end of Gallowtree Gate in order to have speeches from 5.50pm. The demo will end at 6.30pm. Feel free to bring your own placard based on the theme: Divest from Crisis, Invest in our Futures.

Attending this demo will make a real difference to the future of this campaign and help us to get the Leicestershire Local Government Pension Scheme to publicly commit to stop investing in fossil fuel producing companies. We are at a crucial tipping point in our LeicsDivest campaign. In order to get Leicestershire's councils to push their pension fund this year we need our councillors to commit to supporting divestment and this demo (which councillors from various parties and parts of Leicestershire have been invited to speak at) is designed to support this by getting County-wide press coverage. It's the moment we show them that their electorate care about the issue.

Speakers will include: Cllr Mullaney (Hinckley and Bosworth Lib Dem and leader of the County Council opposition), Cllr Emma Ward (Charnwood Labour), Aasiya Bora (Leicester Green Party), Jim McCallum (pension scheme member) and Dane Vincent (Unite Community Rep).

Please fill in this form and tell us you're coming.

We're also running a workshop to write a letter to our local councillors asking them to make a pension divestment pledge to support our campaign, at 12.30pm via Zoom. If you want to attend this please click 'yes' on the form and we will send you a link.

See you at the demo!