Don't Burn Our Future: Clean Power Now! Burlington

Start: Saturday, August 10, 202411:00 AM

What does a safe, just, reliable, and affordable energy future for Vermont look like and how do we get there?

On August 10th from 11 to noon, Vermonters will call on utilities and elected officials to urgently move away from outdated and dirty energy infrastructure in favor of a clean and affordable energy future.

We will rally from 11 to noon at:

  • The Burlington GT Power Plant on Burlington’s waterfront, 75 Penny Lane

  • The Ascutney Power Plant 776 Route 131, Weatherfield

  • The Berlin Power Plant 144 Nelson Drive, Berlin

RSVP through 350VT's form here, or contact, and we'll get you into the loop with more day-of logistics!

Parking lot close by, with wheelchair accessible sidewalks near site of event