Door knock in St. Ann's to elect Ruairidh! 08.04 - 6PM

Start: Tuesday, April 08, 2025 6:00 PM

End: Tuesday, April 08, 2025 7:30 PM

Location:Perkyn's Café (Outside)10 Vicarage Parade, West Green Rd, London, N15 3BL GB

Volunteers gathered to go door knocking, holding Green Party signs

On 10 April there will be a by-election in St Ann’s, Haringey!

The Green Party selected Ruairidh Paton, a hard-working local campaigner to contest the seat.

At the last election, the Greens came just 100 votes short of winning. This by-election is a straight choice between the Greens and Labour — no other party can win here.

Join us door knocking to chat with voters, hear what they care about and raise awareness of Ruairidh’s campaign.

If you've never door knocked before, don't stress. We’ll brief you before setting off and you’ll be in a group with peole who have been before.

Anyone welcome, bring your friends!

We'll be out ever Saturday and Sunday and one day during the week until voting day on 10 April.
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