Draw The Line for Real Clean Energy Solutions in NJ

Start: Monday, March 11, 2024 9:00 AM

End: Monday, March 11, 202412:00 PM

Join us on Monday, March 11th to tell NJ Legislators and Governor Murphy:

YES to 100% TRULY Clean Energy by 2035!

No Dirty Energy Schemes!

NJ Needs a Just Transition Off Fossil Fuels!

We’re in a climate emergency, and three bills are under consideration in the NJ Legislature that could make or break NJ’s transition to truly clean, zero emissions energy.  

The Clean Energy Standard (S237/A1480) could move NJ onto 100% truly clean energy by 2035, if the right amendments are made to reduce air pollutants, protect environmental justice communities, and create in-state green jobs.

The Unaffordable Dirty RNG Gas bill (S2275/A1462) would give away billions in new subsidies to the fossil fuel industry for dirty & expensive “renewable” natural gas and keep us on dirty energy for decades. It must be stopped!

The Low Carbon Fuel Standard (S2425/A3645) has many of the same problems as the RNG bill. It would perpetuate the use of fossil fuels, raise consumer costs, and undercut real solutions to electrify New Jersey’s transportation sector.

In addition to these three bills, there are still massive new fossil fuel projects that are proposed or moving forward in New Jersey's environmental justice communities.

That’s why we’re heading back to Trenton on Monday, March 11th for our first BIG mobilization of the year, and we need you with us! RSVP today to join us as we Draw The Line for REAL Clean Energy Solutions, NO MORE Dirty Energy!

On March 11, a joint hearing will be held on the Clean Energy Standard bill by the Senate Environment & Assembly Telecommunications Committees. This is the first time this bill will be heard by the Assembly Telecommunications Committee, and our first big opportunity of the new legislative session to push for amendments to strengthen the bill.

Our movement will be at the Statehouse that day to lobby legislators & pack the committee hearing! We will call on our elected representatives to:

  • Support a STRONG Clean Energy Standard bill that protects clean air and environmental justice communities – nothing less will do!
  • Reject dirty energy deals including the Unaffordable Dirty RNG Gas bill and Low Carbon Fuel Standard bill.
  • And together we’ll call on Governor Murphy to walk his climate talk by rejecting new fossil fuel projects!

RSVP now and we’ll be in touch ASAP with all the details, fact sheets and resources you need to join us in action.

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