DSA-LA SFV Marxism Reading Group: Critique of the Gotha Program & The Historic Contribution of Karl Marx - 02/22/2022

Start: 2022-02-22 19:00:00 UTC Pacific Standard Time (US & Canada) (GMT-08:00)

End: 2022-02-22 21:45:00 UTC Pacific Standard Time (US & Canada) (GMT-08:00)

This is a virtual event

Come on down and discuss 2 pieces with us on 02/22/22 at 7:00 P.M. PST.

The first piece is Critique of the Gotha Program by Karl Marx - A letter from the late Karl Marx where he critiques in fine detail the program of the Social Democratic Workers' Party of Germany, a forerunner to the still extant SDP. In it, Karl Marx gives us some clues into how he thought a post-revolutionary society could develop out of a capitalist one.

He gives his position on the party of the working class, the dictatorship of the proletariat, what the phases of communist society will be, Protelarian internationalism, and (naturally) production. All of them topics that are still debated.

The second piece we'll be discussing is The Historic Accomplishment of Karl Marx, the printed form of a lecture Karl Kautsky gave in 1907. Recently translated by Alexander Gallus of Cosmonaut Magazine, Kautsky's lecture summarizes what Marx and Engels brought to socialist thought, and gives us an idea of how they influenced the Orthodox Marxists.

Since the writing style in the 19th century was weird we'll be reading from a collaborative Google doc where we can ask questions, clarify points, and post takes. Please RSVP for access to the doc and Zoom Connection info.

We will also be voting on the contents of the next module, Latin American Socialism, at 9:30 P.M. Got some recommendations? Tell us about it! Feel free to come join us, discuss, and find out! Zoom link and reading materials will be provided ASAP after RSVP. See you then!

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Van Nuys, California