Racism, Redistricting, & Resignations: DSA-LA's Socialist Analysis of the City Council Fallout

Start: 2022-10-17 19:30:00 UTC Pacific Daylight Time (US & Canada) (GMT-07:00)

This is a virtual event

On October 9th, leaked audio from conversations between LA City Councilmembers and the chair of the LA County Federation of Labor revealed the racist, anti-worker, and anti-renter beliefs and actions of powerful political leaders.

In many ways, this is no surprise. We've known that the current status quo is rigged for the elite few and doesn't serve the many. We've known that powerful people serve their own interests by pitting Black and brown working people against each other – at the expense of Los Angeles' entire multiracial working class.

At the time of writing this, things are still changing rapidly. Even Joe Biden has called for the three councilmembers to resign. It's a major moment and shift for LA politics.

So what is going to happen to the city council now? What does all this mean for organized labor? Where does the Left fit in?

Join us on Monday night for a chapterwide forum on our socialist analysis of these questions and our demands going forward. RSVP for the Zoom information!

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