DSA Social Tabletop Gaming, 4-14

Start: 2020-04-14 19:30:00 UTC Eastern Time (US & Canada) (GMT-05:00)

This is a virtual event


As we practice social distancing, we've moved our regular chapter D&D game online. Our game has always been open to newcomers, and persons interested in tabletop gaming have found this a great social experience with comrades. So we've "promoted" it to an official chapter social event.

If you are new to this kind of gaming, this is a great directed social activity since everyone has a concrete and immediate area of discussion in the game itself.

We are running an open-ended, "drop-in-drop-out" game that you should not feel you have to commit to on a regular basis.

Nuts & Bolts

The game itself will be run over Roll20, a free online service with apps for iPad and Android. Using it requires making an account, but that process is simple. We are actually running Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition as the system for the game, and the content is a revised version of independent setting/adventure.

Video and audio will be handled using Zoom, a link to join the Zoom call will be sent out in the Roll20 chat during the time of the game.

If you're new to either 5e or this kind of gaming in general, efforts will be made to teach you the system.

We may also be running games that are not D&D specifically in the future.


  • This game is totally online? Yes, Roll20 makes this possible and enables video and voice chat (alongside text chat)
  • Do I need to be able to commit to a weekly game? No, you will be accommodated such that this not required.  
  • Do I need to now how to play D&D? No, you'll be on-boarded in a couple of different ways depending on your comfort level.
  • Does my participation require any additional purchases? No, it's possible to use either a pre-built character or create one using the basic rules. If you wish to buy a D&D book, digital or physical that's fine, and you can use that content. A free Roll20 account will work perfectly well for our purposes.

Couple More Notes for D&D Veterans

  • You can build a character from any combination of WotC books.
  • We are not using alignment, "Good" means "aligned with you, "evil" means "opposed to you."
  • We're using a variant of milestone experience.
  • The setting is more or less tropical jungle, think about that if you're building a ranger or such.

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