Earth Day Celebration

Start: Saturday, April 22, 201711:00 AM

End: Saturday, April 29, 2017 7:00 PM

Climate change denial is a threat to the future of our planet, the safety of our communities, and the health of our families.

We hosted this event to honor the work that millions of people around the world do every day to work toward a more sustainable, just, and equitable global community that protects the rights of the planet and all its inhabitants. For too long indigenous communities have been subjected to the exploitative efforts of destructive development projects that devastate ecosystems, communities, and cultures. We are committed to creating models for community building that honor people, planet, and prosperity.

We stand in solidarity with the People's Climate March and all those recognizing this movement in their own communities. On April 22nd at 11:00 AM at Thunder Valley Community Development Corporation as we flipped the switch on our solar panels, which were installed by our Workforce Development program and local community members through the guidance, training, and support of Solar Mosaic, SunPower, GenPro Energy, and Fronius. We see a future that is powered through renewable energy and sustainable living.

Contact Thunder Valley CDC at 605-455-2700 for more information.