Earth Day (NYC) Contemplative Meeting of Meetings (mahasangha)
Start: Saturday, April 22, 2023• 3:00 PM
End: Saturday, April 22, 2023• 5:00 PM
The idea for our gatherings, that would kick off on this Earth Day, is to welcome as many communities of people that do this work (e.g., contemplative practice in the service of justice & climate justice) in a big group (or mahasangha) and practice & learn together & then leave space for each of the groups to meet in their own smaller affinity groups for their own purposes & then to rejoin afterwards for more connection and learning!
Note on the location - The Battery Labyrinth (link to the precise location) is small so assuming we have a large group, we'll be gathering in the nearby green spaces and using the labyrinth for some walking meditation perhaps. It is located just north of Castle Clinton and just south of the address in the listing.
Groups attending/supporting (so far!)
EcoSattva Affinity group of Brooklyn Zen Center - Matthew Menzies & Nobuko Hori
Wake Up NY Sangha / Riverside Sangha - Max Weidmann
Aware & Awake / Mama Sangha / Curanderismo Group - Gala Narezo
Racial Justice + Dharma - Joy Gutierrez
Greenfaith NYC - Rev. Chelsea McMillan
Students of Fire Lotus Temple (NYC) - Dan Donohue
New York Insight Meditation Center - Sacred Earth Sangha - Tom Carling
Extinction Rebellion NYC Mindful Rebels - Mark Graham (212) 960-8414 (text/voice)