East Texas Summit
Start: Saturday, June 15, 2019•10:30 AM
End: Saturday, June 15, 2019• 3:00 PM
The East Texas Democratic Caucus will be hosting an East Texas Summit on June 15th at the Kingdom Christian Center in Jacksonville, TX. The summit will run from 10:30 am to 3:00 pm and will include trainings on campaigning, party building, and voter contact techniques as well as exciting speakers and a bunch of enthusiastic Democrats. The cost will be no more than $10 per participant, which includes lunch, and no one will be turned away.
- Candidate Engagement/Campaign Management
- Fundraising
- Using TDP Training Materials
- Targeting
- Activist Organizing and Planning
- Social Media
In addition to TDP staff, we will be joined by TDP Chair, Gilberto Hinojosa, and several officers of the Non-Urban/Rural Caucus, including David Currie, Alieca Hux, Sharon Davis, Carl Jones, and Shirley Layton.
For more questions, please email Bill Brannon at bbrannon@txdemocrats.org.