Eastside & SGV Branch Childcare for All Canvass

Start: Saturday, April 02, 2022 1:15 PM

Join fellow members from the Eastside & SGV branch as we go out and talk to folks in El Monte about universal childcare and learn more about the related conditions and needs around childcare that people have.

Before heading out to canvass, we will share a brief overview of the campaign as well as do a short refresher on canvassing practices.

Childcare for All is one of the three democratically decided priority campaigns for DSA-LA in 2022!
  • Childcare is one of the largest costs working families have (often totaling about one third of annual household paychecks).
  • Ensuring working people can secure an everyday need like quality childcare also increases the stability from which we can fight for other demands as well.
  • Our vision for universal childcare also means fighting for unions, high wages, good working conditions, and quality benefits for childcare workers.
Please come with a fully charged phone, mask, walking shoes, as well as sun protection.

Meeting location will be Lambert Park in El Monte.

- Eastside & SGV Branch Organizing Committee