EBAA Phonebank for North Carolina 9/17/2020

Start: Thursday, September 17, 2020 2:00 PM

End: Thursday, September 17, 2020 4:00 PM

Virginia Cox-Daugherty

Come phonebank for Virginia Cox-Daugherty in North Carolina's district 12. This important seat is a crucial to flipping the North Carolina state legislature. Winning it will depend on turning out low-propensity voters and a vote for Virginia can easily translate to a vote up the ticket for that vulnerable Senate seat and for the Presidential election.

Virginia Cox-Daugherty is a native North Carolinian and a longtime resident of Kinston. She is an experienced and knowledgeable educator and active member of the Lenoir County community that is looking to bring those outstanding qualities to the state legislature. Last year, she was elected to the Lenoir County Board of Elections in order to serve her community and ensure that she had the chance to empower voters to participate in the upcoming election cycle. Now, she is running to represent her district in 2020, to further these goals and bring strength and knowledge to Raleigh for the people of Lenoir County.

The script calls for leaving voicemail messages.

Check her out ! virginiacoxdaugherty.com

Please have with you in the Zoom Room:

• a charged computer,

• your phone with earbuds,

• a power cord and a computer mouse if you like.

Event by
Andrea McRael
Berkeley, California
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