EBAA / WisDems GOTV Phonebank / Check-in Session 4-7-20

Start: 2020-04-07 10:00:00 UTC Pacific Time (US & Canada) (GMT-08:00)

End: 2020-04-07 12:00:00 UTC Pacific Time (US & Canada) (GMT-08:00)

This is a virtual event

Sheltering in Place got you down? We can still be active in supporting voting rights! Call Wisconsin voters to make sure they turn in their ballots by April 7th. Electing  Judge Karofsky to the Wisconsin Supreme Court will prevent over 200,000 voters from being purged before Nov. 2020! Wisconsin is a crucial swing state for the presidential election this year. Help us take back the White House.

This training/check-in session will review why we are calling and the script. You can call any time on April 6 or 7. We recommend calling for 2 hours.  If you are an experienced caller, you do NOT need to attend the training but please sign up so we can send you the links and background.  

All events will use this Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/4350724499

If you haven’t used Zoom before, download it here: https://zoom.us/download

You will need a computer or tablet as well as a phone.

Never phonebanked before? Don't worry, we'll get you calling in no time.

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