Edinburgh against Rosebank

Start: Saturday, September 30, 2023 4:00 PM

The UK Government has just approved Equinor's massive new Rosebank oil field.  

This is a betrayal of millions of families struggling to pay skyrocketing energy bills who need help right now - we need insulated home, cheaper bills, quicker and greener energy solutions that don't destroy our planet and leave workers behind!  

Join us to tell Equinor and the UK government that we will #StopRosebank and new oil and gas.

This satuday we will be protesting at the UK government building in Edinburgh, to show our anger and dissapointment over the decision to approve the Rosebank oil field. We will not let the government drag us further into an economic system addicting us to fossil fuels and filling the pockets of massive corporations.

We will stop Rosebank!