Edinburgh Wave of Resistance to #StopRosebank
Start: Saturday, June 10, 2023• 3:00 PM
End: Saturday, June 10, 2023• 5:00 PM
Join us in Wardie Bay on June 10th to #StopRosebank
On June 10th, thousands of people from across the UK will join a massive wave of resistance against Rosebank - the biggest undeveloped oil field in the UK.
In Edinburgh, we're gathering in Wardie Bay for a relaxed get-together on the beach. Join us for an opportunity to learn about the marine and climate impacts of the biggest proposed oil & gas field in the North Sea.
The Wave of Resistance isn't just about stopping new drilling. It’s about demanding a just transition for communities and workers, a liveable future and a healthy ocean for everyone.
Here's why:
Rosebank is a huge threat to our climate and our oceans. The CO2 emissions from this one field alone would be greater than the annual CO2 emissions of the 28 poorest countries in the world combined. The Rosebank rig is situated next to a marine protected area home to endangered species, while the pipeline cuts right through it. A major oil spill from Rosebank could have devastating impacts on marine life and ecosystems in the UK and neighbouring countries.
Rosebank delays a just transition. Oil and gas jobs aren’t future-proof, and every new field holds back the UK’s transition to clean energy and the jobs it could bring. With the right support and investment, and led by oil and gas workers, their unions and impacted communities, the move away from fossil fuels could see 3 jobs in clean energy for every oil and gas job.
Rosebank will make oil giants richer while taxpayers foot the bill. Rosebank's owner Equinor will pass 91% of the cost of developing the Rosebank oil field to the UK public, while they take the profits - meaning UK taxpayers could actually end up footing the bill for this climate-wrecking project. Right now, Equinor and partners are set to get a £3.75 billion tax break if Rosebank goes ahead.
Rosebank’s oil will do nothing to lower energy bills in the UK. Like 80% of all North Sea oil, the majority of Rosebank’s oil will most likely be put in tankers and exported for refining overseas.
Thousands of people have joined the fight against this climate-wrecking field so far, and we’re only getting stronger. Now we’re taking the fight to the UK’s shores.
We’re fighting for a just transition and liveable future. Join us.