Election for Assembly District Delegate
Start: Saturday, January 26, 2019•10:00 AM

RSVP on the right to vote for The Democrats United Slate on January 26.
If you would like to be part of a carpool, please email info@indivisblemarin.org and we will make arrangements for that.
Arrive at UA Local 38 Plumbers & Pipefitters Hall, 3473 Santa Rosa Avenue in Santa Rosa between 10:30 AM - 12:45 PM to register (on-site voter registration available!) and cast your ballot for the Democrats United Slate. To vote, you must be a registered Democrat and resident of Assembly District 10 (Marc Levine's District.) Once you cast your ballot, you can leave. You can also stay for candidate speeches.
TRANSPORTATION: We will have free buses and carpools going from Marin to Santa Rosa, departing from the Marin Civic Center Veterans Memorial Auditorium Parking Lot at 9 AM and returning to Marin around 1 PM. For carpool and bus information contact us at info@indivisiblemarin.org.
FOR TIGHT SCHEDULES: If you are short on time, you can arrive at 10:45 AM when the registration starts (but no later than 12:45 PM) to simply, register, vote and leave. If you would like to be part of a carpool that is heading up to just vote and leave, please contact us at info@indivisiblemarin.org and we will try to help arrange that.
For more details and to support the Democrats United slate online, please visit our Facebook page.