Electoral 101

Start: Saturday, April 27, 2024 2:00 PM

End: Saturday, April 27, 2024 3:30 PM


Join the Electoral Campaigns Organizer Milo for a workshop to learn about the DSA Difference for electoral campaigns.

We’ll be workshopping how you can run intersectional electoral campaigns that create droves of new leaders, build working class power, win historic ballot initiatives, and elect socialists to office, all while growing your chapter and the socialist movement! The workshop is open to any member in good standing and is highly encouraged for any member of the chapter to attend! Winning electoral campaigns require deep chapter buy-in and many members involved to succeed.

Every chapter, no matter how large or small, has the ability to run powerful electoral campaigns built by everyday people and not consultants and big dollar donors. Even if you have never run an electoral campaign in your chapter you absolutely have the potential to do so!

ll accessibility standards on the Milwaukee DSA In-Person / Hybrid Meeting Checklist (based on the Accessibility Standards for Meetings and Online Platforms and Applications) will be met for this event to the best of our ability. Presentation slides can be distributed after; we will not have them available beforehand. Breaks may be limited as presentation is long. There may be a Q&A (unknown if it is part of the presenter's plans).

Read our infectious disease policy here.

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