Electoral Committee Re-Launch
Start: Tuesday, September 5, 2023 at 12:00 AM GMT
A link to attend this virtual event will be emailed upon RSVP
OWR is announcing a re-launch of our Electoral Committee efforts supporting working class Wisconsinites running for office all over the state!
The central goal of the committee will to be to elevate the voices of working Wisconsinites and promoting the progressive values that we know are so popular across the state with the following efforts:
A candidate training and recruitment program called Candidates for Change by helping working people manage a campaign and run for office in their community
Endorsing working Wisconsinites all over the state running for office
Supporting progressive campaigns for office by taking action by phonebanking, textbanking, and canvassing
Support ballot campaigns and other electoral measures that promote progressive values
To do all of this crucial work with our country and our planet on the line, we need people like you to join us in our efforts! We are holding an organizing re-launch online on Monday, September 4th at 7pm to get ready to take action in the upcoming Spring elections. You can sign up for that event here!